Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Many die at sea, but not all stories are told

Any deaths by drowning are tragic, but it does seem from the media’s output about the sinking of the yacht Bayesian that some deaths are worthy of more coverage than others. This summer in northern France, where I am volunteering with Care4Calais, there have been nine deaths associated with those seeking asylum in the UK, but very little media coverage.Simon ShawLondon
“Overpopulations” of predators, supported by wildlife protection laws, do not threaten the return of other species (Letters, 19 August). Many scientific studies have proved that predators do not cause these declines. Instead, the loss of our precious butterflies, bats, bees and birds is the result of a broken system of intensive food production that allows little or no room for wildlife.Stephen MossMark, Somerset
The letters on the value of learning German were excellent. How depressing, then, to see your headline (Enrich your life with die deutsche Sprache, 22 August). It should, of course, have read “… with der deutsche Sprache” – mit (with) takes the dative.Oliver MajorCologne, Germany
How great to be able to live with a capsule wardrobe (How many clothes do you actually need? There’s a magic number…, 24 August). But this will probably work only if you live a capsule life. Where is the swimsuit? The walking boots and associated fleeces, jackets, hats and socks?Margaret SquiresSt Andrews, Fife
If Jess Cartner-Morley lived up north, she would definitely need more than one jumper in her capsule wardrobe.Maria GouldingGateshead, Tyne and Wear
